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T1 Diabetes Camp
Qualify for a child to receive an experience of a lifetime by attending a T1D sleep away camp. They will enjoy all the camp activities while gaining the opportunity to take advantage of learning to take care of themselves with the supervision of counselors and doctors.
Sporting Event
Experience the thrill of a professional sport in your local hometown. Basketball, football and hockey are really exciting to be in person. Transportation included.

Enjoy an amazing excursion to your local zoo, botanical gardens or parks. This wonderful opportunity to be outside enjoying local attractions is a real experience of a lifetime.
Create your own Experience
A wonderful opportunity for a child to dream big and wish upon the stars an execursion they always wanted to try.

Let's Get Started
Wishlist Items
Medical Needs for Children with Diabetes

Bake Back America partners with Help a Diabetic Child Foundation to open up its first division in New York State. We are a 501C3 organization.
Your financial contributions will go towards purchasing diabetic medical supplies, insulin and services for children and college students who have diabetes and are struggling to get these life saving supplies because their families are struggling financially.

“Feeling truly blessed. Bud’s box of diabetic supplies arrived today!!! We cannot thank you all for your help and support…Without you we’d be scrambling to pay for test strips, skipping sugar counts and reusing syringes. From my family to yours there is hope and angels do exist.”
Procedure to be followed for supplying Diabetes Medical Supplies, Insulin and services to approved applicants:
1. Assist a financially challenged child or young adult in need of diabetic medical help. These candidates are referred to us from doctors, emergency rooms, schools and other avenues.
2. Immediate steps are taken to evaluate the medical needs prescribed by a doctor.
3. Action is taken to pay for the necessary medications, supplies, equipment, counseling, education, doctor visits and more. In emergency cases turn around time is same day.
4. Medications or supplies are only handled by a pharmacist, doctor or supply house.
5. Our goal is to help children with diabetes until a more permanent means to facilitate their expenses can be found.

Recipient Sign Up

These are stories of families in need:
Family of four, parents unemployed since March 2020, live in the Bronx with two children, one 8 year old son who has had type 1 diabetes (T1D) for three years. The family is struggling to make ends meet and has no additional income for diabetes-related expenses. This family’s doctor is involved in helping to find resources for the family at this time.
A single mother in the Bronx, has two children, ages 10 and 7, both with T1D. Currently unemployed. Relying on assistance from the Berrie Center for medical care and supplies. The family currently receives meals and groceries through Bake Back America and is very grateful for all help. The children participate in Berrie Center therapy groups and are very involved and engaged.
Living in the Bronx, this family has a child that has T1D and recently had a heart transplant. The needs of this patient are great, as are the demands on the family. The financial stress on the parents to care for the child are enormous and their income has been severely impacted by COVID 19.
Lives in a food desert in New York, often unable to access the food and supplies needed to manage T1D effectively. This family includes parents, grandparents and four children (one 9 year old girl with T1D). They live in a small space and report that the child’s blood sugars have been erratic during the pandemic. Access to regular visits with a diabetes educator would really make an impact on this family. The ability to not worry about co-pays would help lessen financial worries.
18 year old boy with T1D, occasionally living with his mother who has a mental illness. He is often food insecure. He comes to the Berrie Center to receive medical care, supplies and food when he is hungry. He participates in Berrie Center groups and is making it work as best he can. Members of the Berrie Center watch over him closely. Donor support would be incredible.
Single mother living in a shelter the Washington Heights neighborhood. She has two children, one of whom is 6 years old and has T1D. She struggles to make sure she has healthy meals for her children and other supplies. Living with diabetes is challenging enough, living with diabetes in a shelter is a huge feat. She would love to be able to not have to worry about access to care, diabetes supplies and other diabetes-related costs.
This family lives in the Washington Heights area. They are a family of four - two adults and two children. The mother and father have lost work because of the pandemic. Their daughter, who is 12 and has T1D has struggled with depression in the past. The pandemic has only exacerbated her feelings. With your support this girl will be able to receive regular access to therapy through the Berrie Center. Mental health care is a huge component of living successfully with diabetes.
When our 7 year old daughter was diagnosed with T1D, Help a Diabetic Child Foundation was there for us when we were told that we needed to have $1,500 worth of diabetic supplies before our daughter would be released from the hospital. We already had to borrow from a loan to pay for the hospital deductible and didn't know how we would be able to pay. Thanks to Tami and Help a Diabetic Child foundation, they bought the necessary supplies for us. We will forever and eternally be grateful to them!
Sarah a college student was referred to HADC by her endocrinologist. Sarah’s mom had just passed away from lung cancer and their insurance was cancelled. Sarah was in need of insulin and syringes to hold her over until she was able to get back on an insurance plan. HADC purchased a 3 month supply of insulin and diabetes supplies for Sarah. Sarah writes: “I just wanted to send so many thanks for paying for my insulin this morning. I can’t explain how much I appreciate it. There was no way that I could have afforded the insulin at $1,100.00. I am not sure what I would have done without you guys.”
We greatly appreciate your donation.
"The Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center is incredibly grateful for the generosity
of Bake Back America."
- Naomi Berrie Center
According to a survey conducted by the American Diabetes Association, 27 percent of respondents stated that insulin costs have affected their past year purchase or use of insulin. Thirty-four percent of families with children on insulin were impacted.
A Yale study found that one in four patients admitted to cutting back on insulin use because of cost. The consequences can be deadly.


Universally Red
Bake Back America is partnering with Kimberly Salshutz as our resource for diabetes education and spiritual healing.

Talking Type 1 Diabetes with Jacob
Jacob has joined forces with Bake Back America to support the Help a Diabetic effort by donating his time and personal experiences to bring awareness about type 1 diabetes.